Last summer my mom was a total saint and said she would watch my toddlers for a week while my husband and I were remodeling our floors. To make it easier for her to know what to do with them and to make it fun for the kids, I came up with the idea of Kid Camp or “Grandkid Camp” as we called it. Kid Camp for us was basically a kid summer camp with grandma, and it had themed toddler activity ideas with days full of fun.
Below are our themed days with the activities, snacks, books, and movies that went with each day. Hopefully this gives you some fun ideas for what to do with your toddlers or kids!
I’ve also made pics with most of the ideas so you can pin them for later.
(This themed toddler activity ideas for kid camp post contains affiliate links that I may be compensated for. Your clicks and purchases help support The DIY Lighthouse at no extra charge to you.)
Monday’s Kid Camp Theme: Play Day
- Activities:
- Make sugar cookies
- Play Chutes and Ladders or other games
- Do Play Doh
- Build Legos
- Play at the park
- Books:
- Sneetches
- Other Dr. Seuss books
- Snack: Build Wheat Thins towers
- Treat: Frost and eat sugar cookies
- Movie: Toy Story

My kids had a blast during this day 1 of Kid Camp. They especially liked making sugar cookies. My mom has a big box of cookie cutters for kids (like those in this set) and they really got into picking what shapes they would make.

Tuesday’s Kid Camp Theme: Bear Day
- Activities:
- Go to the zoo
- Play at Big Bear Park (if you’re near Sandy, Utah)
- Go to Black Bear Diner for lunch
- Books:
- Spooky Old Tree or other The Bernstein Bears books
- Mother Bruce
- Brown Bear Brown Bear
- Snack: Teddy Grahams and berries
- Treat: gummy bears
- Movie: Brother Bear or Jungle Book

Bear day was their favorite of the week! If you live in Utah County, your kids will love all of these activities too. If not, there may still be a way to make this one of your themed days.

Wednesday’s Kid Camp Theme: Car Day
- Activities:
- Play with “race track” marble works
- Race remote control cars
- Run through the “car wash” sprinklers
- Go on a car ride to great grandma’s house
- Books:
- Snack: “Race car bar” (granola bar)
- Treat: “Tires” (donuts)
- Movie: Cars

If you’ve got a car lover then this day will be so fun for your kids!

Thursday’s Kid Camp Theme: Water Day
- Activities:
- Blow bubbles
- Play Don’t Break the Ice
- Go to the splash pad or go swimming
- Play in the bathtub
- Book:
- Snack: Goldfish
- Treat: Swedish Fish
- Movie: Finding Nemo or Finding Dory

Is there a kid out there who doesn’t love splashing in water? This was a great day for my kids! They spent a lot of time at the local splash park.

Friday’s Kid Camp Theme: Color Day
- Activities:
- Create pictures with watercolors or other art supplies
- Make sidewalk chalk art
- Play Candy Land
- Books:
- Snack: make fruit rainbows
- Treat: Skittles
- Movie: Inside Out

If you’ve got an artsy kid then this day is definitely going to be a favorite for them! It’s all about coloring and painting and drawing with chalk and all things color!
Saturday’s Kid Camp Theme: Adventure Day
- Activities:
- Go on a hike
- Drive up the canyon
- Build a blanket fort and use flashlights
- Set up a tent in the backyard
- Books:
- Snack: trail mix
- Treat: Roast s’mores
- Movie: Peter Pan, Up, or Swiss Family Robinson

My kids had an absolute blast exploring on a hike, feeding the ducks, roasting marshmallows in the outdoor fire, and more. They wanted Kid Camp to keep going!

I hope this list of themed toddler activity ideas, books, snacks, treats, and movies gives you some fun things to do with your little one. Feel free to comment below with more fun ideas or any questions you have! 🙂
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