How to Build Your Confidence As a Mom

Life as a mom can be tough. That is why celebrating our successes is so important. Routines of celebration help us take inventory of what we accomplish throughout the day using positive reflection. Wondering how to build your confidence as a mom? One way to do this is to keep a record of your daily/weekly successes, wins, and accomplished tasks.

Keeping a success journal builds your confidence.

Those negative voices in our heads are quite loud. Especially as women and mothers–thank you hormones–we doubt, criticize, and beat ourselves up. And we do it all in our heads.

Let’s be like our kiddos for a minute and play make believe. Pretend your life is the sun. The bad guy voices in our heads are clouds. One small cloud every now and then will still help the flowers grow, right? But what if too many of these bad thoughts creep in, and what if they grow denser and darker? Neither you or anyone around you can enjoy the beautiful flowers that you planned on blooming!

I hate to break it to you, but the negative voices in our heads are bound to show up. Everyone’s journey is full of them: self-doubt, the intimidating distance between where you are now and where you want to be, financial stress, the small amounts of “you time” that you have, health challenges that take a toll on your body and mind, and even relationship struggles with the people whom you should be closest to.

The best way to prepare yourself for what is ahead is not convincing yourself bad thoughts won’t be there, it’s finding the strategy of decreasing their looming dreariness when they do come.

Learning how to be confident can be a massive undertaking, but an elephant is best eaten one bite at a time. Confident women find joy and satisfaction in the small “bites” out of the bigger objective, and keeping a success journal will help you do that.

As you keep a journal of your daily personal wins and progress, you will begin to develop a mindset of success and confidence.

You know how right after working out really hard you feel sexier, have more energy, and even think you look more fit? Similar things happen in the brain when you keep a journal. When you write down a memory of success, you are able to relive the event. This releases endorphins and dopamine which boosts self-confidence and mood.


  • You will be more mindful of your success.
  • You will be able to see proof of progress, no matter how small.
  • You will be able to more clearly identify the next small step of progress needed.
  • You will end the day on a positive note.
  • You will have countless examples of a successful you on days when life gets dark and cloudy.

Keeping a success journal is one of the best celebratory routines you can do. Other routines of celebration in personal or family life can include prayer, expressing gratitude to a loved one, getting dressed and ready at the beginning of each day, living a healthy lifestyle, or having “pillow talk” with your husband. (Check out this blog post about pillow talk!)

Whatever method you choose to build your confidence as a mother, remember that while it will take significant effort, being a mom is invaluable. Motherhood, from start to finish, is a creation process that you get to be a part of, one that will forever change lives for the better!

Hopefully you got some tips and ideas for how to build your confidence as a mom from reading this post! Please comment below with your go-to ways of building your confidence so we can learn from each other. We moms need to stick together!

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