Category Archives: DIY Projects

All DIY projects (furniture, home decor, holidays, parties & events, and crafts) are shown here.

How to Tell If Your Child is Shy & How to Respond [by Ashley LeBaron]

If your child is often socially withdrawn, you’ve probably assumed they are shy. Did you know that there are actually three different types of social withdrawal though? We often lump these together and call anyone who seems withdrawn “shy.” Shyness is just one of the three types! And knowing which type your child is can… Read More

How to cut + serve fresh pineapple


When you think of spring and summer, what comes to mind? Chances are gathering with friends and family is near the top of the list. And where people gather, so does food! Luckily, spring and summer bring with them fresh, seasonal produce in abundance. One of the tastiest fruits to serve and incorporate into recipes is… Read More

Samsung $200 Target Giftcard Offer

Disclosure: This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #SamsungTargetTech #CollectiveBias The phone you have been waiting for is FINALLY here, meet the NEW Samsung Galaxy S9 & S9+! This isn’t just a minor enhancement, it is a technology overhaul that will have phone lovers everywhere yearning… Read More

10-Minute Pineapple Salsa Recipe

10-Minute Pineapple Salsa Recipe

Mexican food was a staple in my home growing up. In a busy family of five kids, we learned how to make our favorite recipes but do it in record time. Making Tex Mex in a hurry is all about using a few ingredients that go a long way. Salsa has that effect. You get… Read More

Oven German Pancake recipe

Oven German Pancake Recipe

Disclosure: This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #ProgressIsPerfection #CBias #CollectiveBias You know those special family recipes you just love? The ones you request any chance you can get? Well, my mom’s Oven German Pancake recipe was a childhood favorite of mine! Even when I… Read More