I’m all about saying “I love you” in a punny, cute way on Valentine’s Day. After looking through a big list of different candy, I’ve come up with a list of Valentine’s Day candy gift ideas you can give to your husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, or significant other. Some of these could even work for friends, a teacher, or coworkers. Which idea is your favorite?

(These Valentine’s Day candy gift ideas post contains affiliate links that I may be compensated for. Your clicks and purchases help support The DIY Lighthouse at no extra charge to you.)
27 Valentine’s Day Candy Gift Ideas
1. I float on AIR when I’m with you. Happy Valentine’s Day! (Air Heads)
2. Our love could move MOUNTAINS! xoxo (Andes Mints)
3. We were MINT to be together. Happy Valentine’s Day! (Andes Mints, mints, Junior Mints)
4. I love you BABY! xoxo (Baby Ruth)
5. Happy Valentine’s Day BIG HUNK! (Big Hunk)
6. Happy Valentine’s Day HONEY! (Bit-O-Honey, non candy options: honey)
7. Hey CHICK, LET me tell you I love you forever! (Chicklets)
8. I love you BEARY much! (Cinnamon bears, gummy bears, non candy option: Teddy Grahams)
9. Without you life would be un-BEAR-able! xoxo (Cinnamon bears, gummy bears, non candy option: Teddy Grahams)
10. I can’t BEAR to be without you! (Cinnamon bears, gummy bears, non candy option: Teddy Grahams)
11. Hope you have a GOOD Valentine’s Day! Love you PLENTY! (Good & Plenty)
12. I’m GOO-GOO eyed for you! XOXO (Goo Goo Cluster)
13. Happy Valentine’s Day! I CHEWS you! (Gumballs, gum, or Charleston Chews)
14. I’m GUSHING with love for you! (Fruit Gushers)
15. Hugs and KISSES! xoxo (Hershey’s Kisses)
16. Hey HOT TAMALE, our love is FIERCE! Love you! (Hot Tamales)
17. You are JAW-droppingly handsome/beautiful! (Jaw Breakers)
18. I couldn’t do LIFE without you! xoxo (Life Savers)
19. I love you so much my heart could POP! (Pop Rocks, Blow Pops, non candy options: popcorn, balloons)
20. I love you to PIECES! xoxo (Reeses Pieces, non candy options: puzzle or pizza)
21. You make my heart BURST with love! (Starbursts)
22. Hey SUGAR, Happy Valentine’s Day! xoxo (Sugar Babies)
23. You’re such a SWEETHEART! Happy Valentine’s Day! (Sweetarts)
24. Just POPPING by to say Happy Valentine’s Day! xoxo (Tootsie Pops, Blow Pops, Pop Rocks, non candy options: popcorn)
25. You’re mine WERTHER you like it or not. Happy Valentine’s Day! (Werther’s Originals)
26. You’re a little WONKY but so much FUN! Love you forever! (Wonka Fun Dip)
27. I love you BERRY much! (Wild Berry Skittles, Haribo Berries Gummy Candy, non candy options: berry jam or berry juice)
Which one would your valentine like best? If you have any other cute Valentine’s Day candy gift ideas please share them below!
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