Category Archives: DIY Projects

All DIY projects (furniture, home decor, holidays, parties & events, and crafts) are shown here.

Have a DTR with Your Body: Make Healthy Resolutions

Around New Year’s, goals to lose weight and get skinny are in abundance. Losing weight can be good. Finding yourself is even better. As an ACSM Certified Personal Trainer, I have found that success in health and fitness resolutions lasts when goals are centered around things you do, rather than things you don’t do. As you… Read More

5 Healthy Dessert Recipes

These delicious, healthy dessert recipes are a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth while still achieving your fitness goals. One of the biggest mistakes people make is denying themselves anything sweet while trying to lose weight. Chances are you will eventually get a sweet tooth, so instead of ruining your goals and binge eating a pan… Read More

5 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Marriage [by Ashley LeBaron]

So…2016. We all feel the relief and excitement of a new beginning, a fresh start. Perhaps the most important resolutions you can make will improve, maybe even save, your marriage. Here are 5 New Year’s resolutions for your marriage adapted from the findings of the world’s leading marriage researcher, John Gottman. Pick 1, 2, or… Read More

Free Printable: New Year Resolutions Worksheet

New Year’s Eve is not only a time to ring in the new year, it’s a time to remember the old year. What accomplishment are you most proud of during 2015? What bucket list item will you check off during 2016? This free New Year Resolutions Worksheet is the perfect New Year activity for the whole… Read More

9 Stocking Stuffer Theme Ideas [For Everyone]

Sometimes it feels like Christmas stocking stuffers are the same-old year after year. Why not spice things up this Christmas? Here are 9 jolly stocking stuffer theme ideas that can be personalized for any member of your family: Dad, Mom, boys, and girls. 9 Stocking Stuffer Theme Ideas: 1. You are LOVED Colors: red, pink, white, silver Toys &… Read More

Christmas Poop Treats

Are you sick of giving the same old Christmas gifts to your neighbors year after year? Well, shake things up with a funny twist by giving Christmas poop treats. You’ve probably heard of using whoppers or milk duds for reindeer poop, but it certainly doesn’t have to stop there. If you are throwing a Christmas party, wondering… Read More

10 Reasons Why You Should Be Jealous of Your Newborn

If you’re a new mom, you have probably been through the wringer! And you deserve a big hug! (But let’s make that an air hug because your boobs probably hurt so much that a real one is no bueno.) You have just defied some scientific law by forcing a larger object (aka baby’s head) through a smaller object (aka the… Read More

How to Teach Your Kids About Sex [by Ashley LeBaron]

Kids are being exposed to sexually explicit images and conversation earlier and earlier—at school, at sleepovers, on the internet, everywhere. In fact, 93% of boys and 62% of girls view pornography before they are 18; some are exposed as early as age 8.[1] “The talk” is no longer enough. For parents, this can be frightening.… Read More

Placemat Repurposed into Christmas Elk Pillow

Have you herd? Whether you’re looking for the perfect man cave Christmas decoration or an easy way to dress up your couch for the holidays, this DIY Christmas elk pillow is a great i-deer. My good friend Lindsey taught me how to turn a double-lined placemat into an adorable stuffed pillow. (Thanks a million, Lindsey!) It’s cheap and… Read More