Tag Archives: scripture

How Can I Serve Others Selflessly? – LDS Sacrament Talk

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, members from the congregation are asked to give talks, or to speak, each week in front of the whole congregation. We are given a topic as a prompt and then let the Spirit direct us as we prepare and deliver our talk. The topic I was… Read More

Divine Nature Value Experience #6 Personal Progress YW LDS

Divine Nature Value Experience 6 & FREE Printables

Personal Progress is a program designed to help young women cultivate feminine attributes, strengthen their testimonies, and reach their divine potential. It’s a beautiful process of discovering talents, knowledge, and life skills that will help them in the roles now and in the future as mothers. Personal Progress is broken down into 8 values, one… Read More

21 things to do on a rainy or snowy day

21 Things to Do Inside on a Rainy or Snowy Day

Tut tut! Looks like rain! Or snow maybe. If you’re a homebody when it’s cold and wet outside, these 21 things to do inside on a rainy or snowy day will lighten your mood and rejuvenate you! If you’re home alone, take time to enjoy yourself and do something cozy. If you have little ones at… Read More