Category Archives: Family

DIY projects, ideas, and inspiration about family.

How to Build Your Confidence As a Mom

Life as a mom can be tough. That is why celebrating our successes is so important. Routines of celebration help us take inventory of what we accomplish throughout the day using positive reflection. Wondering how to build your confidence as a mom? One way to do this is to keep a record of your daily/weekly… Read More

How to start a blog that makes money - for moms

How to Start a Blog That Makes Money – for Moms

“Why did you start a blog?” is a question I got asked a lot right after Amber and I started The DIY Lighthouse. (That’s a blog post for another day!) Over the years that question has transitioned into, “How did you start a blog?” And, more often than not, what they really mean by that… Read More

President Nelson's 2018 Book of Mormon Challenge Reading Chart

President Nelson’s 2018 Book of Mormon Challenge Reading Chart

At the women’s session of General Conference last night, our prophet, President Nelson, issued an invitation to all women and girls ages 8+ to read and finish the Book of Mormon between now and the end of the year. With the end of the year being just over 12 weeks away, I have created a… Read More

Free Daycare Daily Report

Free Daycare Daily Report | Child Care Printable

It’s hard for parents to leave their kids with someone else. So many questions can pop up. . . . What has their child been doing all day? Did they take a nap? Will they be hungry when they’re picked up? Were they nice to the other kids? Did they poop? You get the picture.… Read More

How Can I Serve Others Selflessly? – LDS Sacrament Talk

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, members from the congregation are asked to give talks, or to speak, each week in front of the whole congregation. We are given a topic as a prompt and then let the Spirit direct us as we prepare and deliver our talk. The topic I was… Read More

Primary Singing Time Help for Families Can Be Together Forever

Primary Singing Time Help for Families Can Be Together Forever

So last Sunday I was asked to be the substitute teacher for Primary singing time. At the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, the children learn songs that increase faith, teach doctrinal principals, and inspire Christ-like living. One of the songs the Primary children are working on in our church group is called “Families… Read More

Signs Your Daughter Struggles with Her Body Image & How to Help

This post is a little different. We’re writing this together as three sisters. Independently, all three of us struggled with body image issues growing up. We didn’t know until years later that we had all been going through it seemingly alone. Below are three true stories, one from each sister (in no particular order). Sister… Read More